Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Pen Drawings

From the 'ol Moleskine. I hadn't drawn anything in it since March-ish when Steve drew a creepy janitor in it, haha.

There's a few others before these, but they're sketches for larger ideas so I didn't scan them.

The last two sketches are some fetus/embryo/baby/fish things. I drew my first ones early January and then forgot about them until today. Ironic I drew them again 9 months later. One just has big hair, and the other has some kind of important-looking hat. Maybe it's Nefertiti as a fetus. I like them.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Head

A sneak peek at something I'm working on... It's a little further along that these pictures show- I haven't taken a photo recently. Will be going on my wall eventually (along with FlowerFace).

Using a new kind of clay- Critter Clay. Working well so far, hopefully it will continue to do so.

I'm going to disappear into a Broken Steel-induced hole starting Thursday, since that's when it comes out (PS3 fail, all the other systems have had it forever) and I've been waiting to finish my Fallout3 game. But when I finish this bad boy I'll post pictures.