Sunday, November 8, 2009

boris and Phoebe

I think I'm done with this... There are more WIP photos on my Flickr account, I'm too lazy to load them all here. If you want to look at the Flickr photos you'll get an idea of the process.

The last 2 photos are close ups from when it wasn't completely finished (like there's a smudge on the background in the last one) but you get the idea.

Of course, it looks better in person, but such is life.

More Moleskines

Some new, mostly fetus-y pen drawings to share.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Flickr Account, Moleskine Drawings

If you guys forgot, I have a Flickr account, which I probably update more than this. Also on Flickr you don't get (as much of) my rambling commentary. Anyway, here's some new Moleskine drawings. Mostly made of more embryos with beehive hairdos.

That last drawing is going to be a painting eventually. It's "boris with Phoebe".

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

New Pen Drawings

From the 'ol Moleskine. I hadn't drawn anything in it since March-ish when Steve drew a creepy janitor in it, haha.

There's a few others before these, but they're sketches for larger ideas so I didn't scan them.

The last two sketches are some fetus/embryo/baby/fish things. I drew my first ones early January and then forgot about them until today. Ironic I drew them again 9 months later. One just has big hair, and the other has some kind of important-looking hat. Maybe it's Nefertiti as a fetus. I like them.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

New Head

A sneak peek at something I'm working on... It's a little further along that these pictures show- I haven't taken a photo recently. Will be going on my wall eventually (along with FlowerFace).

Using a new kind of clay- Critter Clay. Working well so far, hopefully it will continue to do so.

I'm going to disappear into a Broken Steel-induced hole starting Thursday, since that's when it comes out (PS3 fail, all the other systems have had it forever) and I've been waiting to finish my Fallout3 game. But when I finish this bad boy I'll post pictures.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009



Much of my time over the last month has been occupied by a little game called Fallout 3. Yes, I know I'm a year late.

Anyway, I watched my brother play this game, and I tried it and decided to start my own game. I didn't want to make my character look like me, because that's boring. So I made the creepiest person I could. Enter boris. I forgot to capitalize his name when I first made him, so I just leave it lowercase.

I dragged all the bars to adjust the facial features either all the way to the left or all the way to the right, so I could make the most ridiculous looking person possible. For example, making the eyes huge and spacing them apart way too much. And giving him a mustache. And making him balding. And giving him angry eyebrows. And a "Shady Hat". He's also a cannibal, but Charon and Dogmeat don't judge him for it.

In the game he has square-ish glasses, since I can't seem to find old man rapist glasses anywhere in the Capital Wasteland. But that's where I used my art skill to change something.

Anyway, I don't know if I made it "creepy" enough, although I might introduce him regularly into my paintings, he's weird looking, which is good from a drawing perspective.

Note- the photos are a bit too light on the edges, since it was really bright in the room I took them.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Some Olds

A few older artworks that I thought I'd post, since I haven't had access to a scanner lately and haven't posted anything in a while. I am working on new artwork, but at the moment my scanner/printer is in a corner somewhere since I just re-painted and re-arranged my room. So here...

I'm also working on another "head" sculpture similar to the others I have posted, although I've hit a lazy streak lately and am distracted by Fallout 3 and working on other paintings.