Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Jackalope

Something I finished today. I had started this a few weeks ago, but was busy on the FlowerFace one so I didn't work on it much. A neon pink Jackalope. Made with: Foam rabbit wall mount, faux fur, wire, painted glass eyes, fluorescent pink paint pen, scissors, and a glue gun. To get an idea of the process, see the "Neon Orange Rabbit" post from earlier.


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Childhood Drawings

Recently I've been cleaning out my room, aiming to rearrange it and get rid of a lot of stuff. I got rid of every sketchbook I've ever kept that dated earlier than 2005-ish. I'm very unsentimental about all of it, because it really doesn't matter, so I might as well recycle them. Anyway, I found a few interesting things in the process. From a folder of really old stuff I drew... I don't know the exact dates, since I didn't start putting dates on my artwork until I was about 13. But they're obviously from when I was under 10 years old, most likely around 5 or 6. So, here are a select few.


This set of 3 drawings has got to be my favorite find. I find these childhood drawings hilarious, I don't know why. They were in a notebook that was zebra head-shaped (seriously!) and they were annoying to scan. I haven't recycled these yet. I kind of like them. I don't know what I'd do with them, though.


These drawings are of something that I called a "Youmpa". They look similar to Chuppy- probably from the same time period. The one that doesn't say "Baby Youmpa" was actually a cutout that was drawn on both sides. I used to make a lot of cutout creatures like that. The folder said "PUPPETS".


This explains itself. Good thinking, bird-thing!


This drawing is of a cockatiel that I had, named Polly. It's obviously her going to space, what bird doesn't do that? (PS there is a drawing on the other side, of the same thing, you can see through it a little.)


This picture, unlike the others, is from around 2005. An early development of a creature I now draw quite often. It was a doodle on one of my Spanish class assignments or notes... I don't know what it says anymore, my brain has deleted all of that knowledge (not like I ever actually learned Spanish in that class).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

FlowerFace WIP (Part 2)

Here's the second (and final) installment of my progress on the FlowerFace "game head".


Here we have a photo of the blank eyes that I got on I ordered the goat-looking ones.


So now I'm going to start painting them. This picture is of the general first coat of color I put on. The next one shows how I carved out some of the dry paint (sgraffito if you want to use the artsy term) so it was transparent, and then painted it with a different color.


This is a photo of one of the eyes with the glass eye installed. I added Super Sculpey around it to form the eyelids and tear duct and used the hair dryer again to dry it. You can also see the finished glass eye in this photo.


After this, I brought it outside and sanded everything down. Everything meaning everything made out of the foam material- the main body. I didn't include a picture because you can't really tell the difference. The photo here is when I had added the first layer of white paint. I had bought a small tub of titanium white for something else and never used it, so I decided it'd be good for this project.


One of the issues I had with this, which drove me nuts, was all the bubbles that started showing up. I even took a picture of all the bubbles. I guess that's what happens with foam. So, I added another layer of paint. And another. And another. I did a lot of this while watching TV or listening to music. In this picture you can also see the texture of the 'fur' like pattern I was going for... Instead of using faux fur that was really short, I thought I'd paint it instead to acheive the effect of it having short fur.


After letting the white layers dry, I went in and added the darker markings. This is when I "sketched" out where the markings would be. The other colors to blend them are added later.


The first photo shows once I started adding the brownish/dark yellow color around the darker markings. A few more layers need to be added to blend it a little more. The middle photo is once I added the first brown layer, and the last photo is when I started blending it in more with the darker color.


A photo of the ear once I had painted it.


This picture shows the (unfinished) painting around the eye. Many animals have a lighter color around the eye, so I wanted to represent that on this sculpture.


Just to give you an idea of what the rest looked like at this point- this photo shows the markings under the neck/chin and the finished "blending" of the marking colors.


Now I'm ready to glue on the flowers. I bought some fake sunflowers at Hobby Lobby and dissected them. I glued 2 petals together for each petal around the eyes.


After finishing the actual body, I have to attach it to a plaque. I don't remember the website I ordered this from, but it's the same company that sells stuff at basically every craft store. They probably cut down the rainforest for it. Anyway, I Gorilla Glued it and propped it up with stuff (the ears are the heaviest part) and let it sit for 2 hours.


All finished! Here are some different views and close-ups. This will eventually be in my room, which is being re-done.