Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Childhood Drawings

Recently I've been cleaning out my room, aiming to rearrange it and get rid of a lot of stuff. I got rid of every sketchbook I've ever kept that dated earlier than 2005-ish. I'm very unsentimental about all of it, because it really doesn't matter, so I might as well recycle them. Anyway, I found a few interesting things in the process. From a folder of really old stuff I drew... I don't know the exact dates, since I didn't start putting dates on my artwork until I was about 13. But they're obviously from when I was under 10 years old, most likely around 5 or 6. So, here are a select few.


This set of 3 drawings has got to be my favorite find. I find these childhood drawings hilarious, I don't know why. They were in a notebook that was zebra head-shaped (seriously!) and they were annoying to scan. I haven't recycled these yet. I kind of like them. I don't know what I'd do with them, though.


These drawings are of something that I called a "Youmpa". They look similar to Chuppy- probably from the same time period. The one that doesn't say "Baby Youmpa" was actually a cutout that was drawn on both sides. I used to make a lot of cutout creatures like that. The folder said "PUPPETS".


This explains itself. Good thinking, bird-thing!


This drawing is of a cockatiel that I had, named Polly. It's obviously her going to space, what bird doesn't do that? (PS there is a drawing on the other side, of the same thing, you can see through it a little.)


This picture, unlike the others, is from around 2005. An early development of a creature I now draw quite often. It was a doodle on one of my Spanish class assignments or notes... I don't know what it says anymore, my brain has deleted all of that knowledge (not like I ever actually learned Spanish in that class).

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